Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend Fun Fan Giveaway!!!!

This is my first official giveaway and I must say I am super excited. I will start off by saying this giveaway is 100% out of my pocket and I am not getting anything out of this except pure hilarity that I am sure will ensue. I am using you all for my entertainment. Duh.

Memorial Day weekend kicks off summertime and it just so happens to be my favorite ever. Everyone celebrates in their own way whether it be on the boat, at the beach or just chilling with the fam and friends! Over the weekend I want you to post a picture of yourself on my Facebook page celebrating! The most comments and likes (combined) on your photo by 11:59 pm on Monday night will win. Easy squeezy.

What will you win, you ask???? Well, another favorite thing of mine to do over the sweet summertime is to go to concerts so the winner will get a $100 TICKETMASTER GIFT CARD**. I know. I know. Calm down. I know that this is awesome.

The fine print:

  1. ONE picture per person. 
  2. Multiple comments from one person or you commenting on your own picture does not count. Let's be fair :) Comments AND Likes COUNT!
  3. You must be a fan of Fat Cat Productions on Facebook. All fans are eligible and trust me I will check if you actually are a fan. Do not do that crap where you "Like" and then "Dislike" after the contest. This is for the long haul baby. I am fun I promise, so stick around will ya?
  4. The photo MUST be Facebook appropriate. No booby, up-the-skirt, or nekkid shots ok? I will delete in a hot minute bc I get into trouble for no one. Plus no one wants to see that. If you really want me to see it, email it to me haha. 
  5. BONUS! I will comment on your photo if you mention what song was playing while the picture was taken. If you can't really remember then you can make one up. I wasn't there so I will never know. You can do this in the caption part when you post it letting me know what the heck I am looking at. Me commenting = extra point. Score. 
  6. ANOTHER BONUS! I will comment a second time if you can include something patriotic in your picture. After all, that is truly what the day is all about. Second comment = another extra point! Score x2. 
  7. If for some reason there is a tie, I will be splitting the gift card into two $50 Ticketmaster Gift Cards. All the more reason to share a million times with your friends so they can comment on your picture and get you ahead of the game. 
  8. **If a current or potential client wins they may choose to use the $100 as a credit for their event. 
  9. You have to take me to the concert/event that you use your gift card on. Just kidding haha! 

I want to do more fun stuff over the summer so play nice and do not make me regret this! haha! The big thing here is I want to thank all of you for being awesome and supporting me. Every single "fan" is awesomesauce and I hope to do more giveaways, more often. So spread the word!

Go forth and post your photo then share! share! share! Good luck :)


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